
Founded in 2009, The Baseball Chronicle is an online magazine that celebrates the narrative. We publish personal stories, essays, photography, journalism and more—great stories, in any form, of our favorite game.


Send your story via the submissions page. You’ll hear something from us shortly.

We’ll look at:

Contributors retain all rights to their work. By submitting, you’re just letting us publish your story here and in some sort of printed (or digital?) “Best Of” collection. The latter’s just a thought right now, and we’ll hash out the details when/if production ever happens.

Unless you’ve received permission to do so, please refrain from sending previously published stories. And this really need not be said, but: Don’t send stuff that isn’t yours.

We’d really love to, but we can’t pay contributors at this time. We hope to do so soon, though. (See next.)

Support Us

How best to help this storytelling endeavor? Read our stories. If you like something, print it or link it, and cheerfully spread the word to like-minded baseball fans. We’ll never ask anything more of you.

Stay tuned for fundraising efforts.


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This website is edited, designed and published by Phil Bencomo. Send him an email.


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The Baseball Chronicle is an online magazine that celebrates the narrative. We publish personal stories, essays, journalism and more—great stories, of all varieties, about our favorite game.

Tell your story today.